
Customer Success Roundup: 13th November 2015

Akita’s Customer Success Roundup is a list of hand-picked resources from around the web brought to your inbox. We’ve enjoyed reading them and we hope you do too.

Rafi Mohammed of Harvard Business Review discusses the emotional response customers have to pricing, which can effect their loyalty to your brand in “What America’s Best BBQ Joint Can Teach You About Pricing”.

Conversioner contributer Nichole Elizabeth Demeré encourages companies to ensure that their customers are achieving their desired outcomes in “Customer Development: 4 Steps for Decreasing Churn”.

Geoff Roberts of Hubspot lists the key metrics your company should be measuring, how to help maintain data integrity and, crucially, how to make your team care about this data in “Want to Grow Your SaaS Company? Track These 12 Marketing Metrics”.

SaaStr shares Jason Lemkin’s Quora contribution which provides food for thought in “Have the Majority of the SaaS Companies Got Customer Success All Wrong?”.

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