15 Customer Onboarding Statistics and Trends in 2024 to Note

customer onboarding statistics

In the SaaS world today, each lead you turn into a customer is a call for celebration. Still, to ensure them a smooth journey and success with your product, it is crucial to first help them understand how they can use your product or service effectively to get all the benefits they offer in the shortest time possible. 

This is precisely what well-structured and powerful customer onboarding is all about. To understand how customer onboarding strategies change over time and which ones might be beneficial to adopt, it is crucial to stay updated on the latest customer onboarding statistics. Continue reading to see our list of the most up-to-date and exciting 15 customer onboarding stats and trends in 2024!

Customer Onboarding Statistics You Should Check Out

Before we present you with our customer onboarding stats list, let’s first see what exactly customer onboarding is. 

Customer onboarding is the process of helping new customers set up and use our products or services. Each new customer goes through this onboarding process, where they learn how to use the product appropriately so that they can make the most of it. User onboarding covers the entire customer journey, from the moment the sales team closes the deal to the point where the customers are fully integrated with the product and completely clear what value it offers to them. Ultimately, effective customer onboarding can help you improve customer retention by enhancing the customer experience and satisfaction. 

Now, let’s see the curated list of the most interesting onboarding statistics in 2024 and their brief explanations:

  1. 74 percent of potential customers will switch to a competitor if the onboarding process is too complicated.
    • (Wyzowl)
  2. 74 percent of users will revisit a user-friendly website
    • (Think With Google)
  3. 55 percent of people say they’ve returned a product because they didn’t understand how to use it
    • (Wyzowl)
  4. Customers are 50 percent more likely to remain loyal to a company with an effective onboarding process.
    • (Smscountry)
  5. 63 percent of customers consider the company’s onboarding program when making a purchasing decision.
    • (Wyzowl)
  6. Apps with a good onboarding experience have a 50 percent higher retention rate.
    • (Smscountry)
  7. 97 percent of people believe video is an effective tool to welcome and educate new customers.
    • (Wyzowl)
  8. 90 percent of customers expect a seamless omnichannel experience from brands.
    • (Retail Touchpoints)
  9. 90 percent of consumers say they are willing to spend more with companies that personalize the customer service experience.
    • (Zendesk)
  10. Over 90 percent of customers think that companies could do better when it comes to onboarding new customers.
    • (Wyzowl)
  11. 82 percent of enterprise organizations rate their onboarding strategy as a key driver of value.
    • (Precursive)
  12. 63 percent of customers think onboarding is key to deciding to subscribe to a product
    • (Userpilot)
  13. 87 percent of customers agree that companies should be putting more effort into delivering a consistent experience.
    • (Zendesk)
  14. 86 percent of the customers say they will remain loyal if onboarding and continuous education are provided.
    • (Userpilot)
  15. Over 90 percent of customers feel that the companies they buy from could do better when asked about their approach to onboarding new users/customers.
    • (Wyzowl)

74 percent of potential customers will switch to a competitor if the onboarding process is too complicated.

First impressions matter greatly in business. The onboarding process is the first interaction your customers have with your product, so making it as smooth and intuitive as possible will surely create a positive onboarding experience. On the other hand, if the process is unclear, that may lead to frustration, which is certainly not good.

If customers need an excessive period of time to start seeing the product’s value, they will most likely switch to another solution. 

74 percent of users will revisit a user-friendly website. 

This is one of those pretty obvious customer onboarding stats, yet somehow many websites fail to deliver that intuitive experience due to the complexity of navigation, slow load times, unresponsive design, etc. A user-friendly website makes it easy for visitors to find the information they need rapidly thanks to its clear menus and a well-structured layout. Also, having high-quality content will keep the users interested and motivated to continue browsing and come back. 

55 percent of people say they’ve returned a product because they didn’t understand how to use it.

Again, onboarding customers should be all about simplicity, giving clear instructions, and adequate resources so that new customers can understand the product’s functionality in the shortest amount of time. 

Customers are 50 percent more likely to remain loyal to a company with an effective onboarding process.

An effective onboarding process is critical for setting the stage for a long-term and successful relationship between the business and a customer. Further on, nurturing customer relationships improves customer success, which then positively affects customer retention, and increases customer lifetime value and loyalty. 

63 percent of customers consider the company’s onboarding program when making a purchasing decision.

An efficient and well-constructed user onboarding process assures customers that they will get all the support and help they need to use the product successfully. Also, an effective customer onboarding program adds value to the product as it shows that the company invests in its success, which makes the product more desirable.

Apps with a good onboarding experience have a 50 percent higher retention rate. 

A positive onboarding experience is essential for maximizing app retention rates. If you manage to ensure users a positive first impression, quickly value relaxation, and get the customer service they need, your app can increase its chances of higher customer retention rates. This is why onboarding and retention statistics usually go hand in hand since these two concepts are always connected and should function in harmony for the best results.

97 percent of people believe video is an effective tool to welcome and educate new customers.

This is surely one of the most useful onboarding statistics that states the obvious – the importance of adding videos to your onboarding program. As videos provide clear instructions, foster personalized connections, reduce the learning curve, engage multiple senses and therefore keep the audience more interested, it is crucial to implement them into the onboarding process. This is how you’ll make your customers feel more informed and comfortable and enhance their onboarding experience. This is the point where we can clearly see the importance of onboarding statistics and their valuable insights!

90 percent of customers expect a seamless omnichannel experience from brands.

Now more than ever, customers expect a seamless uniform experience across all interaction points, whether they interact with the company online, via mobile, or through customer service. This is how you show consistency, and consistency builds trust. 

90 percent of consumers say they are willing to spend more with companies that personalize the customer service experience.

Personalization is one of the most important aspects of customer success. It makes the customers feel valued and understood, which improves customer experience and loyalty. This is why you should prioritize personalizing customer interactions and customer service to build trust and nurture long-term relationships.

Over 90 percent of customers think that companies could do better when it comes to onboarding new customers.

This statistic looks pretty bad, yet it is clear that most of the users think that companies should improve their onboarding processes. 

82 percent of enterprise organizations rate their onboarding strategy as a key driver of value.

A well-constructed onboarding experience can improve return on value, enhance the customer experience, reduce churn, and help you align customer goals with your business goals. There are a few outstanding customer onboarding software that can help you streamline onboarding processes by automating most of them. 

63 percent of customers think onboarding is key to deciding to subscribe to a product.

By creating a positive onboarding experience, showing the product’s value clearly, ensuring ease of use, and personalizing the experience, you can convert potential customers into subscribers. So, why wait? By using customer onboarding software like Akita, you can understand each customer’s needs and challenges thanks to Akita’s powerful segmentation tools, create personalized onboarding strategies to fit each cohort, track and assess the crucial customer onboarding metrics, get and share reports with everyone on the team, and much, much more. 

87 percent of customers agree that companies should be putting more effort into delivering a consistent experience.

As we mentioned before, consistency builds trust. If you fail to meet customer expectations and stay consistent, that may lead to dissatisfaction and confusion. This is why you should focus on delivering consistent interactions to enhance your reputation and gain customer’s trust and a competitive edge.

86 percent of the customers say they will remain loyal if onboarding and continuous education are provided.

Continuous customer education keeps the customer engaged, helps them master the product and get the most out of it, and allows companies to engage with customers and build long-term relationships. 

Over 90 percent of customers feel that the companies they buy from could do better when asked about their approach to onboarding new users/customers.

This onboarding statistic shows the importance of staying in touch with customers and soliciting and acting on their feedback. By addressing issues like lack of personalization, too much complexity, and lengthy and confusing processes, the companies can improve the onboarding experience and overall customer satisfaction. 


Customer onboarding is all about helping your customers understand your product’s value in the shortest time possible so that they never regret their decision to purchase your product. Although onboarding customers effectively is sometimes a daunting task, the given customer onboarding statistics can help you understand how customers feel about onboarding and implement some interesting solutions that can improve your onboarding program and help you expand your customer base. 


Frequently Asked Questions

How does onboarding impact customer loyalty?

A well-structured onboarding process can lead to higher customer satisfaction levels and loyalty since customers are more likely to continue using a product that meets their demands.

How does onboarding impact customer retention?

Effective onboarding can lead to higher customer retention rates due to the positive experience the customer has.

What are the benefits of improving the onboarding process?

Improving the customer onboarding process can improve customer satisfaction, increase customer loyalty, and give your company a competitive advantage in the market.

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