How to Calculate Customer Retention Rate? (+ Benefits)

How to Calculate customer retention rate

In SaaS, customer retention stands as a key indicator of sustained success. When you understand how to measure and improve customer retention rates, you can secure your business lasting customer loyalty, sustained growth, and a better market position.

In these unstable economic times when acquiring new customers is already difficult, the businesses that manage to retain their customers and keep them happy are those that can thrive and stay in the competition for long.  

Therefore, if you wish to learn how to calculate customer retention rates and improve them, read on.

Customer Retention Rate: Explained

The customer retention rate proves whether your business is able to retain its customer base and prevent churn or not.

The higher the customer retention rate, the clearer the indication that your customers are loyal and satisfied and have positive outlooks on your software, customer service, and overall business strategies that you implemented.

What Is a Good Retention Rate?

It’s difficult to define a good customer retention rate as it varies based on different factors, but a strong retention rate in the SaaS industry is usually considered to be somewhere around 90%.

The size of the business, the target market, the frequency of calculating the customer retention rate, and the competitive landscape are some of the factors that determine whether the retention rate can be defined as “good.”. 

Important Customer Retention Metrics

There are several key customer retention metrics in SaaS you should track:

  • Churn Rate
    • It shows the percentage of customers who are no longer active and stopped using your services or cancelled their subscription over a given period. 
  • Revenue Churn
    • Revenue churn shows you how much MRR (monthly recurring revenue) you lost over the given time frame.
  • The Customer Health Scores
    • Health scores show customer engagement, interactions, and usage data to predict the possibility of retention. If you’re looking for an all-in-one customer success platform that comes with advanced customer segmentation options, including the customer health score, try Akita.
  • Renewal Rate
    • This metric shows the percentage of users who renew their subscriptions after the contract term has ended. 

Now that you know how to find the customer retention rate and how to improve retention let’s go over what’s a good rate.

How to Calculate Customer Retention Rate?

Here’s a step-by-step guide for using a customer retention rate formula:

  1. Select a certain time frame (monthly, quarterly, or annually) for the start. 
  2. Count the number of customers at the beginning and end of the selected period.
  3. Apply the formula:
Calculate Customer Retention (CRR) rate formula
Calculate Customer Retention (CRR) rate formula

Now, make sure to track and analyze them frequently to get all the insights that can help you create effective retention strategies. 

How to Do a Retention Analysis?

To successfully perform retention analysis, it is crucial to assess customer retention rates over specific periods. This is how you can understand churn patterns and identify factors contributing to attrition. Let’s see how to do retention analysis in SaaS:

  1. Calculate retention rates
    • Use the formula for customer retention above to get the numbers.
  2. Perform cohort analysis
    • Analyze retention rates within customer cohorts to get insights into how different groups behave over time. Then, compare retention rates between cohorts to see the differences and identify trends.
  3. Calculate the Churn Rate
  4. Customer segmentation
    • Segment customers based on demographics, behavior, and usage patterns to understand retention dynamics between segments.
  5. Identify retention factors
    • Analyze factors that contribute to customer retention or churn like feature usage, engagement levels, etc.

Why is Customer Retention Rate Crucial?

Customer retention rate is important in SaaS businesses due to its direct impact on the sustainability and health of a business. Here are the key reasons:

  • It’s cost-efficient
  • It ensures revenue stability
    • High retention rates ensure a stable and predictable revenue stream, as recurring subscriptions are a large part of SaaS businesses’ income.
  • It’s a foundation for business growth
    • Strong customer retention serves as a foundation for business growth. This further allows you to invest in product development, innovation, and market expansion.
  •  It maximizes Customer Lifetime Value (CLV)
    • A prolonged customer retention period indicates increased CLV, which means that your customers are satisfied and ready for recurring subscriptions, and the possibility for your business to generate revenue over an extended period.
  • It can ensure continuous improvement
    • The valuable feedback and insights you get from your retained users aid in product development and enhancement that align closely with their needs and preferences.


Understanding and leveraging customer retention rates is crucial in SaaS. Go through this article and learn how to calculate customer retention rate so you can have valuable insights into customer loyalty, satisfaction, and the efficiency of your retention strategy.

In order to improve customer retention use the customer retention formula to learn the right metrics, because a company must put in continuous efforts to ensure proactive customer support and engagement, and an ongoing commitment to strengthen customer relationships to prevent them from even thinking about switching to a competitor.

That’s not an easy task, but with the right customer retention tool, you can improve customer retention rates much faster and easier.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I measure the effectiveness of retention strategies?

To measure effectiveness monitor retention rates, compare them with the previous period, and track customer engagement metrics to see how they stand.

Is there a single solution that can improve retention rates?

No, there’s no single solution. Firstly, you need to understand your customer base, their needs and preferences. Then, you should apply a personalized approach that aligns with the given preferences to get the best results!

How frequently should I calculate the retention rate?

You can calculate retention rates monthly, quarterly, and annually, depending on the billing cycle and subscription plan.

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