10 Customer Success Conferences to Check Out in 2024

customer success conferences 2024

To become and remain successful in the realm of customer success, one must constantly hone their skills, make meaningful connections with other customer success leaders in the field, and find a place to get some inspiration and discover innovative ideas and strategies. 

One of the ways to advance in your CS career is to attend customer success conferences with the aim of finding growth and learning opportunities. This is precisely why we curated a list of the most recommended customer success conferences in 2024, and all you need to do is stay with us and choose the one that fits your needs the most!

Customer Success Conferences You Need to Visit in 2024

Customer success conferences are the place to meet amazing people from the customer success field, share your experiences, and get new ideas. Also, you’ll get a chance to learn more about the hottest industry trends and apply all the knowledge to upgrade your customer success strategies. 

Some of the most eminent customer success leaders from the most successful companies worldwide are hosted at customer success conferences, and all you need to do is pack your bag and buy your tickets to some exciting destinations like San Francisco, London, Washington, and Toronto. 

  1. Customer Success Festival San Francisco
  2. SaaSts Annual 2024
  3. Customer Experience 2024: A Frost & Sullivan Executive MindXchange
  4. Customer Success Festival Boston
  5. CX Ecosystem
  6. NGCX
  7. Digital Customer Experience Summit
  8. BIG RYG
  9. Customer Engagement Summit
  10. TSIA World Envision

Customer Success Festival San Francisco

  • Location:
    • San Francisco
  • Date:
    • September 4-5, 2024
  • What to expect?
    • This exciting customer success conference gives CS professionals a chance to network, connect, and learn more about the latest CS trends and important insights from their peers. Customer Success Festival is known as a meeting point for both customer success leaders from the world’s largest companies and startups with great potential. What connects these two is a shared goal of providing impeccable customer experiences throughout the entire customer journey and beyond. 

SaaSts Annual 2024

  • Location:
    • San Francisco, CA
  • Date:
    • September 10-12, 2024
  • What to expect?
    • SaaStr is one of the largest communities of SaaS founders and executives, so visiting it is surely more than worth it. They have been bringing together the industry’s champions for almost 10 years now. Their programs feature three days of tactical content, numerous interactive workshops, and hundreds of networking sessions. Anyone responsible for SaaS company growth, from founders and revenue leaders to investors, shouldn’t miss out on this CS conference. 

Customer Experience 2024: A Frost & Sullivan Executive MindXchange

  • Location:
    • Orlando, FL
  • Date:
    • July 15-17, 2024
  • What to expect?
    • This CS conference can help you achieve all the crucial CS goals, like reducing customer churn, improving customer retention, and developing effective customer success strategies. Customer Experience 2024 will focus on current customer experience trends and customer success digital solutions while prioritizing collaboration. At this conference, you’ll have the opportunity to meet and network with chief customer officers, vice presidents, directors, sales team, marketing, etc. 

Customer Success Festival Boston

  • Location:
    • Boston, MA
  • Date:
    • October 3-4, 2024
  • What to expect?
    • If you miss the CS Festival in San Francisco, don’t worry since there is the same customer success event at the other location and on another date. All the attendees are gathered with the same goal – to crack their customer success pain points and create exciting CS strategies that no one will say no to. Also, if you live in Europe, we recommend you buy your tickets to London and visit Customer Success Festival London on November 22-23!

CX Ecosystem

  • Location:
    • Nashville, TN
  • Date:
    • July 15-17, 2024
  • What to expect?
    • This is one of the most exciting customer success events, where almost 80% of the program will be interactive. It brings together top customer engagement, marketing and customer experience executives, so there’s certainly a lot to look forward to. Some of the topics will include the voice of the customer, what customers value most, key components of the extraordinary CS teams, and others. 


  • Location:
    • Boston, MA
  • Date:
    • July 15-16
  • What to expect?
    • This CS conference brings together senior-level decision-makers from various industries like retail, finance, healthcare, and B2B. It is recognized as one of the best networking points, as most of the attendees are from post-sales, marketing, management and leadership. 

Digital Customer Experience Summit

  • Location:
    • Toronto, Canada
  • Date:
    • November 13-14, 2024
  • What to expect?
    • The upcoming Digital Customer Experience Summit in Toronto is an event that every customer success leader should attend to gain new perspectives, get familiar with the exciting digital customer success solutions that can empower CS strategies, and learn new best practices for more than 30 senior customer experience executives. 


  • Location:
    • Washington, DC
  • Date:
    • October 4-5, 2024
  • What to expect? Big RYG is a CS event powered by Churn Zero and visited by leading post-sales executives and influencers, which makes it a perfect place to visit for any ambitious customer success leader or a CS newbie. This year, Big RYG will host over 50 speakers who will share best CS practices and strategies, and organize around 30 workshops and sessions for over 300 attendees. 

Customer Engagement Summit

  • Location:
    • London
  • Date:
    • November 26
  • What to expect?
    • The Customer Engagement Summit is one of the biggest customer success conferences, usually visited by CS and sales executives. It focuses mainly on the voice of the customer, which is one of the essential techniques of CS,  representing customer feedback and their experiences with your product or service. It expects to welcome over 1000 attendees who will have the opportunity to participate in more than 100 presentations and roundtable sessions. Top-level speakers from around the world will share real-life case studies, and valuable and implementable ideas and strategies that can help you deliver the service your customers deserve and expect. 

TSIA World Envision

  • Location:
    • Las Vegas, NE
  • Date:
    • October 21-22
  • What to expect?
    • TSIA World Envision is a famous CS event that showcases the most advanced minds and influencers the industry has to offer these days. For those CS executives who wish to learn new effective ways to boost recurring revenue, this event must find a place on their CS conference list. 


Customer success is one of the fastest-growing departments in the SaaS world. With its goals of expanding the customer base, nurturing customer relationships, improving customer retention, and reducing churn, it is no wonder that any serious SaaS business has already invested in customer success. 

Customer success conferences in 2024 are important events for CS teams where they can learn new skills, connect with their peers, and establish new partnerships with them. Good luck!

If you don’t manage to visit any CS conferences, you can always seek inspiration and additional knowledge in various top-notch customer success blogs to simply stay updated and informed!

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I attend multiple CS conferences in different locations?

Yes! This is the usual practice for many CS professionals who wish to absorb as much knowledge and information as possible.

What topics are usually covered at customer success conferences?

All the topics related to CS are covered at these conferences. You can learn about new retention strategies, customer health scoring, metrics and analytics, customer journey mapping, and others.

What should I bring to CS conferences?

Make sure to bring your business cards, a digital device or a notebook to take notes, and an open mind ready to engage and learn with peers.

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