
Akita App 15-minute demo series Akita’s 15 Minute Demo Series

Join team Akita for a series of 15-minute, no-nonsense, speed demos Register Below. We will examine how Customer Success technology can help CSMs move from a complex world of siloed data and manual processes to a place where managing customers is simple.

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customer success and the hospital pass Customer Success and the Hospital Pass

“Hospital pass” is a term used in several football codes to describe a pass that subjects the recipient to heavy contact, usually unavoidable, from an opposing player — the expression implying that the recipient of the pass could end up in hospital. (Wikipedia). To throw (someone) under the bus is an idiomatic phrase in American English meaning to sacrifice a friend […]

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How Frequently Akita App Syncs Your Data How Frequently Akita App Syncs Your Data?

In a previous post, we looked at How We Built More Than 100 Customer Success-Integrations between Akita and apps like Hubspot, Salesforce, Intercom and Zendesk. We outlined our 3-step process for keeping data in sync: Schedule, Retrieve, and Process. The Scheduler kicks everything off and is responsible for determining which data needs retrieving at any […]

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customer success vs sales Customer Success vs. Sales: Differences and Similarities

Understanding the differences between customer success and sales in SaaS is crucial for navigating the intricacies of customer retention, satisfaction, and acquisition. Although both departments participate equally to ensure and maintain the business’ sustainability and growth, they work with different methodologies and goals. While customer success focuses on ensuring customers derive maximum value from the […]

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customer success onboarding email templates Steps to Creating a Customer Onboarding Email Template

How you begin your relationship with customers often dictates how long and successful their relationship with your company will be. Given that SaaS companies need to retain customers for a period of time in order to accrue enough subscription revenues to become profitable, delivering valuable onboarding experiences is essential.

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customer success vs account management Customer Success vs Account Management: Important Differences

Understanding the fine nuances between customer success and account management will help you consider them as complementary teams that have the same objective on their agenda.  Both account management and customer success teams work towards improving customer satisfaction and loyalty, but their roles in a SaaS environment are quite distinctive.

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Customer success metrics Key Customer Success Metrics You Should Track as a SaaS Company

Having in mind that customer success directly affects customer satisfaction, retention, and the general health of the business, it has become apparent that maintaining sustained SaaS growth depends on it. Thus, it’s essential to track the relevant customer success metrics in SaaS and evaluate the impact of customer success initiatives.

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customer onboarding metrics Top 10 Customer Onboarding Metrics You Should Measure

Attracting new customers in SaaS is always exciting, but what really matters is ensuring seamless integration with a product and successful customer onboarding. This critical phase of guiding new users from the first sign-up to becoming proficient users serves as a prime tool for building lasting customer relationships and loyalty, moreover retention. To assess the […]

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Onborading checklist for new customers How to Create an Onboarding Checklist for New Customers: 2024 Guide

New customer onboarding is a pivotal journey that can transform initial interactions into long-term relationships. In the onboarding process every step matters—the way you welcome your users to the platform, educate and navigate them through it, how you react in cases of friction, and how you engage with them along their journey.

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