Managing customers can be all-consuming work. It doesn’t help that the online world is conspiring to steal your attention away and cripple your productivity. Below are 5 practical steps you can take to make your days more productive.
How do you make sure you get this process right? Apart from having the right people and the right motivation, it would be remiss not to use the tools you already have or invest in some new ones, such as customer onboarding software so that everything required is being done to ensure your clients expectations […]
We launched Akita in 2018 with the goal of making effective Customer Success Management software that was affordable for small businesses. By most measurements, it was a success. We had a rapidly growing customer base (and revenue) and our customers loved us. Despite this, we decided it wasn’t working. At least, not as well as […]
Customer onboarding is one of the key points for SaaS businesses, and if executed well, it can ensure growth, sustainability, and long-term customer relationships. By leveraging automated customer onboarding processes, companies can streamline and enhance onboarding experiences and ensure personalized and seamless journeys for new users. The automation can cover various stages, from sign-up to […]
The most effective way to create profitable, long-term customers for any SaaS business is to successfully guide them through an effective onboarding process. Successfully onboarded customers will remain customers for longer, cost less to support, and are more likely to increase their spending over time.
In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, the first interactions customers have with your company are crucial. This is why any ambitious SaaS business, regardless of its size, invests greatly in creating a well-organized and structured onboarding process. Efficiently guiding new users through the initial stages of exploring your product or service is essential for long-term satisfaction […]
Your customers are not all the same. So why treat them the same? A customer segment is a group or cohort of customers with similar attributes. At a very basic level, segmenting your customers based on differences in their profiles allows you to be specific about how and when to allocate customer success and customer […]
As both gross retention and net retention are crucial metrics in evaluating revenue dynamics in SaaS, it is best to perceive them as complementary rather than opposing metrics. By understanding the fundamentals of your company’s customer retention (GRR) and being able to identify the opportunities for upsells and cross-sells (NRR), you are getting a full […]
In SaaS, customer retention stands as a key indicator of sustained success. When you understand how to measure and improve customer retention rates, you can secure your business lasting customer loyalty, sustained growth, and a better market position.