
How to Hit Your Expansion Quota Here’s How to Hit Your Expansion Quota!

tl;dr – In this article we share a FREE tool to help you hit your expansion quota. There are strongly held views about whether Customer Success Managers should be selling to their customers. Whatever side of the argument you stand on, the fact remains that a lot of companies set their CSMs a sales target. […]

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customer success and the hospital pass Customer Success and the Hospital Pass

“Hospital pass” is a term used in several football codes to describe a pass that subjects the recipient to heavy contact, usually unavoidable, from an opposing player — the expression implying that the recipient of the pass could end up in hospital. (Wikipedia). To throw (someone) under the bus is an idiomatic phrase in American English meaning to sacrifice a friend […]

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how to lose saas customers How to Lose Your First 10 SaaS Customers (to Churn)

There are a number of great resources available to early-stage startups who are trying to land their first 10 paying customers. Doing so is no small task. It can take hard work, hustle and sometimes a bit of luck.

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Improving customer retention with journey analytics Improving Customer Retention with Journey Analytics

There are times in any physical journey when you are partly or largely under the control of (or at the mercy of ) an external service provider. Did the train arrive on time? Was there a free seat? Did you have to wait for your airport transfer? Was there a queue at airport security? Was […]

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Customer Satisfaction and Retention Customer Satisfaction and Retention: Definitions and Differences

Having trouble differentiating customer satisfaction and retention? Simply put, while measurable, customer satisfaction is subjective and experiential. Retention, however, is an objective, observable, and measurable phenomenon. You either retain a customer or you don’t. It’s clear. The satisfaction a customer feels, however, can change due to a real issue with the software or how that […]

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Customer Retention Models SaaS Customer Retention Models for SaaS

Acquiring new customers is no easy task in today’s economy. Because it is so challenging, the sustainability of your business will depend on how successful you are at retaining customers and retaining your existing revenue streams. Building customer retention models for SaaS businesses that will maximize revenue retention, improve customer satisfaction and loyalty, and reduce […]

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Customer Retention Strategies for SaaS Customer Retention Strategies for SaaS

The SaaS market is filled with impeccably designed and developed tools that can resolve almost any problem. However, presenting your customers with a great tool and service is not enough to keep them coming back.

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successful customer onboarding Top 6 Steps to Successful Customer Onboarding

A substandard onboarding experience is heavily linked to higher levels of customer churn. Conversely, customers who are onboarded successfully, having had their expectations met or exceeded, are primed to be long-term customers, grow their investment with your company, and be strong advocates for your brand. It all starts with understanding your customers’ desired outcomes and […]

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Customer retention and Satisfaction Customer Retention and Satisfaction: Definitions and Correlation

Customer retention and satisfaction are intrinsically linked. If you fail to maintain high levels of customer satisfaction, your retention levels will suffer, reducing revenues and profitability and forcing you to invest even more heavily in attracting new business. Conversely, driving up customer satisfaction makes life significantly easier for any SaaS business, with improved revenues, referrals, […]

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