
customer success and the hospital pass Customer Success and the Hospital Pass

“Hospital pass” is a term used in several football codes to describe a pass that subjects the recipient to heavy contact, usually unavoidable, from an opposing player — the expression implying that the recipient of the pass could end up in hospital. (Wikipedia). To throw (someone) under the bus is an idiomatic phrase in American English meaning to sacrifice a friend […]

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Customer retention and Satisfaction Customer Retention and Satisfaction: Definitions and Correlation

Customer retention and satisfaction are intrinsically linked. If you fail to maintain high levels of customer satisfaction, your retention levels will suffer, reducing revenues and profitability and forcing you to invest even more heavily in attracting new business. Conversely, driving up customer satisfaction makes life significantly easier for any SaaS business, with improved revenues, referrals, […]

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How We Built More Than 100 Integrations for Our Product

If there is one thing that sets Akita apart from its competitors in Customer Success software, it is our ability to ingest data from virtually any data source a customer may have. This includes: If the data is out there, Akita can usually import it and use it to transform your Customer Success department into […]

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What is MRR in business What is MRR in Business: Definition, Types & Ways to Increase It?

Increasing revenue over time is in the interest of any business. However, the growth of a SaaS business depends heavily on consistent monthly or annual subscriptions, which is a prime reason why companies track monthly recurring revenue (MRR). 

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What is ARR in SaaS What is ARR in SaaS: Definition, Formula, Why to Track It?

SaaS businesses depend heavily on recurring revenue. Therefore, understanding all the fine nuances of various recurring revenue models is imperative if you wish to learn how to calculate it or work on it. 

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Expansion revenue Expansion Revenue: Definitions, Metrics, Formulas and Tips

Recurring revenue is essential for any SaaS business. You are probably aware of the fact that customer acquisition is often very expensive, with the risk of getting only a few lukewarm leads. Now, is it possible to cut customer acquisition costs and still generate more recurring revenue? This is precisely what expansion revenue brings to […]

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customer churn rate Customer Churn Rate: Definition, Formulas and Benefits

Although customer churn, losing some customers over time, is perceived as inevitable in certain cases, it is also undesirable among companies. However, every business experiences churn, regardless of its size, quality of customer service and the product itself.  What’s important is how your company responds to churn, whether you fully understand why it happens, and […]

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Best customer success blogs 12 Best Customer Success Blogs in 2024 You Should Follow 

With their aims of transforming new customers into loyal ones, nurturing customer relationships during their entire journey, and driving revenue growth through upsells and cross-sells, customer success teams have become one of the most valuable assets of any SaaS company. And, it’s important to be updated on the latest trends, best practices and strategies in […]

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customer churn analysis What is Customer Churn Analysis and How to Perform It? 

Churn is, unfortunately, an inevitable part of any business, no matter its size, reputation, or customer retention efforts. Some businesses are faced with higher and some with lower churn rates, yet what matters most is determining the primary cause of churn to be able to take effective measures to prevent it. This is precisely where […]

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